How disruptive is rewiring a house?

How disruptive is rewiring a house?

kitchen rewire

House rewiring has many perks, including good, reliable electrical wiring that lasts. Plus, the problems in your home electrical system would finally be solved. Imagine an end to the worry and hassle of blinking lights and outages and you are looking at something that’s worth investing in. Plus, you can stop thinking about electrical fires and other home hazards due to old, faulty wiring.

Yet the process of home rewiring can be severely disruptive and is very costly. It typically involves a lot of time and expense, and a great deal of patience on your part. It is estimated that most rewiring projects can take a minimum of ten days to complete. Some of that includes preparation work, the project itself, and the cleanup process.


Preparation is critical prior to the start of a home project of this magnitude. Furniture and other personal belongings will need to be removed or coated with a protective dust sheet right before the work begins. Floors and carpets have to be taken up and put aside, and entire sections of the wall will need to be knocked out so that the wiring within can be accessed.

You may find that rewiring a house can be very messy, often causing dust and large areas of plaster to be removed to access the wiring behind walls. SE Electrical contractors will clean up any debris that they cause along with rewiring your home to keep disruption in your home minimal.

Home Age

The extent of disruption depends largely on a few critical factors. One involves the age of your electrical system. Homes that were either built or had rewiring done sometime in the 80s may only need a few minor tweaks. Older homes typically take a lot longer and require more money.

Factor in old sockets and switches during the process. Contractors will have to replace them along with the electrical wiring, which could take a few days. Some testing may need to be performed, but not before connecting the new wiring. This work is dangerous and is best when performed by a licensed electrical contractor.

Electrical Outages

It is highly likely that you may lose access to electricity during the process. Since rewiring a building is considered very dangerous, an electrician will need to temporarily cut off your power supply at some point. You can expect significant disruption to your service at some point. 

Thankfully, SE Electrical has many services for your home needs, including major rewiring projects. They cover industrial, commercial and residential properties and are covered with good liability insurance. They can answer all of your questions regarding your residential or business rewiring needs. Contact us today for more information regarding our electrical services.

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