CCTV Installation

Electrical Installation Contractors

CCTV Installation & Maintenance

CCTV cameras have been a controversial topic over the past few years. Critics believe that they threaten personal privacy and civil liberties, while others claim it is an effective device for crime prevention. One of the latest trends in CCTV camera technology are 1080P HD recording IP (internet protocol) Cams which send video data via internet streams to be analyzed at central hubs by security professionals around the world.

Your smart phone can be your eyes and ears on the ground. Linked directly to a CCTV system, it constantly watches everything that goes in or out of your establishment so you don’t need to sit at a monitor all day long while still making sure nothing bad happens!

We are NICEIC approved contractors with years of experience to ensure that your project is done right!

All of our electricians are fully trained and insured. As a company we are registered with the NICEIC as an Approved Contractor and Commercial Installer. 

All of our insurances are up to date, we have public liabilty insurance and employers liability insurance, that can be seen up-on request.

If you are looking for CCTV Installation or Maintenance for your commercial, domestic or industrial property, call Gareth Gillmore on 0800 707 6167

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