Inspection and Testing

Electrical Installation Contractors

Inspection and Testing

Inspection and testing needs to be carried out because over time all electrical installations change and some damages, wear or tear can happen.  So every electrical installation must be tested at regular intervals.

This will check every part of the electrical installation and help identify any defects that may require repairs.  Whilst the inspection is being carried out a list of observations will be made, this will ensure that the installation will be safe to use with out any hazards.

At SE Electrical we carry out all types of testing that you may require.  We have a full understanding of the current regulations and can advise with evidence of any defects that may require attention.

inspection and testing

Electrical Inspection Condition Report - EICR

An electrical inspection condition report is carried out periodically.  This type of report is to verify the continued use of the electrical installation.  Its main purpose is to check that the installation is safe to use and has no defects that could cause a danger to the user.

There is a different time frame for different types of installation, for example;

  • A domestic house is every 10 years
  • A commercial property (shops, offices, schools etc.) is every 5 years
  • Swimming pools, cinemas, theatres (general places open to the public) is every 3 years
  • Marinas and laundrettes is every 1 year.
inspection and testing

Electrical Installation Certificate

An electrical installation certificate will be issued after a new installation has been completed.  This certificate will prove to the customer that the installation has been installed correctly and that all the work has been completed to the correct standards.  In commercial buildings this certificate will generally be required for insurance purposes.

completed electrical work

Landlords Certificate

If a property is let to a tennant a landlords certificate will be required, this is a electrical inspection condition report – EICR.  This will be issued with a shorter ‘next test date’.

For example; a domestic property has 10 year intervals between tests, wheras a rented propety only has 5 year intervals between tests.  A rented property should also be re-tested after there is a change of occupancy.

lanlords certifciate

So if you want to know more or would like your electrical installation testing call Gareth Gillmore on – 0800 707 6167

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